Attendance Policy
Absence Reporting
We perceive the whole school day is valued and important. Classes are scheduled until departure time. Parents are asked not to pick up their children early unless there is an emergency or a scheduled appointment. If a student is absent, parents need to contact the school office at 320-3204 by 9:30 a.m. to let us know the reason why he/she is not present at school. If you would like to pick up your child’s homework, please let the office know when you report the absence; we will have it ready by 3:00 p.m. This will confirm parental knowledge and consent for the student absence.
If a student is absent more than twenty days in a school year, a conference with the teacher, principal, and parent must be held to determine if promotion requirements are being met.
Good attendance habits are part of an individual’s attitude and respect for the teacher and the school. Parents must make sure students are prompt in arriving and departing school. Students need to arrive in time to prepare for class before the official starting time. Prompt and regular attendance is a must if students are to progress in their education.
NHCA discourages extended planned absences. Parents who plan for their student(s) to be absent for any part of a day or one or more days must notify the school in advance (at least one week). Teachers will require that work be made up for all excused absences. Students are generally allowed one day for each day missed to make up their work. It is the responsibility of the parents and students to arrange with the teacher any make-up work to be completed. If possible, make-up work should be completed before the absence. When homework from a planned absence is not turned in when due, the grade will be lowered by 50%. Second and subsequent days the grade will be a zero.
Absences will accumulate as full days and half-days.
A student must be free of fever for 24 hours (without fever reducing medication) before returning to school. On the day of return following an absence due to illness, should a student run a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, the student’s parent will be called to come and pick up the student.
At 8:00, the teacher will take attendance and will mark students absent if not in gym for Patriot Praise time.
All students coming in late must stop at the Welcome Center.
3 tardies in a quarter will result in a parent meeting with the Administrator.
Being on time is a life skill important to each student’s future. A child’s tardiness is disruptive to the class and is a bad habit if allowed to develop. Promptness to class protects the teacher’s right to begin the instruction on time for all students. .
Arrival and Departure Times
Students arriving at the following times will be marked as noted:
8:00 -10:30 a.m. Tardy
10:30-12:30 p.m. ½ Day Absent
12:30-3:00 p.m. Full Day Absent
Students departing from school at the following times will be marked as noted:
8:20-10:30 a.m. Full Day Absent
10:30-12:30 p.m. ½ day Absent
12:30-3:30 p.m. Full Day Present
Drop Off Times
Students who need to be dropped off from 7:15-8:00 a.m. may utilize our Extended Care Service at the rate of $250 for the year or $15 per day on an as needed basis. Drop him/her off at the front door of the Outreach Center. If you arrive between 8:00-8:15, students will be supervised by a teacher at no charge in the gym. At 8:15 we will begin “Patriot Praise” and then at 8:30, students will be dismissed to go to their classrooms with their teachers.
Pick Up Times
School is over at 3:30. For security reasons, all students will report to the gym for parents to pick up. Teachers will be stationed at the gym doors to bring students to their vehicles. Parents need to follow the pick-up routes from 3:30-3:45. At 3:45, students will go to After Care. (Note: Please advise the office if someone other than parents will be picking up your student and provide a copy of his/her driver’s license).